Advanced arena setup
Other setup commands
Now that you've created your first arena, you can test and get into the other stuff if you so desire.
<> are required
() are optional
/wizards edit
Edit an arena
/wizards addPowerup
<name> <powerup>
Adds a powerup to an arena. Check the Powerup page for all powerup values.
/wizards setPointsToWin
<name> <amount>
Sets the amount of points to win of an arena.
/wizards portals create
<name> <portal-name>
Creates a portal.
/wizards portals remove
<name> <portal-name>
Deletes a portal.
/wizards portals reload
Reloads the portal file of an arena.
/wizard setExplosionLevel
<name> <y-level>
Sets the explosion level. For example, if set to 30, only blocks above y=30 will explode.
/wizards setDisplayName
<name> <new display-name>
Sets the arena display-name. With a display-name, you can use non-alphanumeric characters and this will be shown in signs, placeholders and can be used in all other commands.
After editing, you must use the finish command again to apply the changes and reload the game.
Last updated